How do I find out which APNs/DNNs my device can use?

First login to TELUS Control Centre.

The communication plan defines which data service identifiers (APNs/DNNs) a device can use. Service provider users can find all the details about a device's data service identifiers by viewing its communication plan profile (Devices > Device List > ICCID link > Additional Information > Communication Profile link > APNs/LTE APNs/DNNs subtab). If a device is in session and your network provides access to the information, Control Center will display the name of the data service identifier in use in the Current Session portion of the Details page. For more information, see Finding a Device APN/DNN in the TELUS Control Centre Knowledgebase.

Account users do not have access to communication plan information. However, they can see a list of device data service identifiers at the top of the Spotlight page.

Last updated