IP Assignment (Dynamic & Static)

When creating your Private APN, you will provide the IP ranges / subnets that you want assigned to your IoT devices. There are two options for the IoT network will assign IPs:

Dynamic Assignment: our network will dynamically assign IP addresses from the configured ranges/subnets.

Static Assignment: our network will assign static IPs to the devices, starting with the first IP in the configured range. You will be able to view the IP currently assigned to the device in the TELUS Control Centre. You will be able to re-assign IPs by contacting the IoT Centre of Excellence.

How to decide?

  • Static IPs are useful if you want each device to have a unique IP that never changes. The downside is that Static IPs are not automatically re-used. If a device had IP and then no longer needs it, the IP will not be re-used automatically. You will need to contact the IoT Centre of Excellence to request the re-assignment of any IPs.

  • Dynamic IPs are useful if you don’t need a permanent IP for each device. Devices will still receive unique private IPs, but those IPs will be re-used as devices connect/disconnect from the network.

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